Lucky Fish; Artificial Gold Fish Charm to Real Goldfish Charms
By Honey B Wackx
Fish are considered very lucky in many cultures. They symbolize good luck so are often used as a lucky fish charm.
They are also symbols of wealth and prosperity. Therefore, they are widely used as good luck charms in various forms. Sometimes in the aquarium as pets. Sometimes fish are on the walls as paintings.
Sometimes you’ll see them as figurines of decorative use. You could even have a lucky fish charm you wear on your sweater or blouse.
A Fish charm may be kept in many ways to invite good luck and fortune into the houses and lives of people. Some lucky fish are very fortunate. They end up landing in the aquariums where it is easy for them to move about freely.
There are different fish that have different significance in their own way in different cultures and countries.
The symbol of the carp fish is considered a lucky fish charm according to the Chinese superstitions. They are kept by many Chinese businessmen as a lucky charm regarding some oriental traditions.
The two most notable ornamental carps are goldfish and koi.
Flower Horn Fish
The flower horn fish is also taken as a bringer of good luck by many. People literally started making claims that luck was showered into their lives from the times they started taking care of the flower horn fish or kept its symbol in their homes. It is very popular among many feng shui experts as it is believed that the flower horn fish brings luck and fortune to its owner.
The black spots and markings on the body of the flower horn fish symbolize fortune and wealth whereas the hump on its forehead makes it a symbol of longevity because of its resemblance to the God of longevity in Chinese mythology. The flower horn is a colorful fish and its symbol or fish charm is said to attract positive energy from the surroundings.
The placing of this fish in the north and the southeast direction of the house brings wealth into the house. For family well being and career luck, one should place it in the east direction.
Arowana or Kam Lung Yue
The Arowana also known as the Kam Lung Yue or the dragon fish of the golden color by the Chinese is a very popular fish used by feng shui experts.
Silver Arowana; they are native to the Amazon River system. When kept in an aquarium, it should be securely covered, to prevent the fish from jumping out. Photo by User:Qwertzy2/CC BY-SA 3.0
How Arowana Fish Brings Good Luck.
by Aqua Fish Hobbyist
Published on Youtube on Jul 16, 2017
Feng shui, Arowana Fish is regarded as symbol of good fortune and abundant wealth. Arowana fish is used to attract success and prosperity. It is said that the fishes saves us from danger and bad luck. Arowana Fish is a symbol for Good Luck and Prosperity. Arowana Fish is the most famous and powerful fish used in feng shui. In Chinese, the Arowana is called Kam Lung Yue, which means Golden Dragon Fish.
The feng shui symbol of this fish is generally made in such a way as if the fish is having a bite of a coin in its mouth and sitting on a heap of coins. It represents wealth and prosperity as well as supremacy and strength.
There is another belief that if this lucky fish charm is placed in thee homes, it is very effective in driving away bad luck and spirits.
Regarded as a good energizer of money, this symbol can be kept in the homes or business places to increase the wealth and income of the family.
The auspicious directions to make the most out of this lucky charm are the east, southeast, north and southwest directions.
Another common belief says that keeping nine goldfish together in one place eliminates bad luck from that place with the only rule being that one of them should be black in color.
The goldfish, as well as being one of the sacred emblems of Buddha, either in the flesh or as a good luck fish charm, is revered all over the Orient.
It brings good luck in the form of long life. The ancient Egyptians believed that having goldfish in the house was especially lucky for the whole family. However, the Greeks thought they brought good luck to a marriage.
4 Types of Freshwater Fish that Brings Good Luck For Aquarium
by Aquaria Corner
Published on Youtube on Jul 15, 2018
Freshwater fish are also believed to bring good luck and balance in your aquarium home. However, what kind of fish are believed to give good luck?
Fengshui fishes or symbols are widely used and adorned in many aquariums. They are known for their positive energy and are considered as a good omen.
A pair of gold fish statues increases love and compatibility between married couples. It is also a representation of love and companionship in relationships.
Two more superstitions about this same fish or goldfish, one good, one bad; Goldfish in the pond bring good luck, and Goldfish in the house bring bad luck.
Dead Fish and other Considerations
A fish that is dead should be removed immediately from the house as it signifies bad luck. There are more fish superstitions which may be discussed later, but these are some of the more popular ones.
If any of these goldfish superstitions have any significance or symbolic meaning to you then don’t hesitate to get some live goldfish or even a lucky goldfish charm.
But do consider the idea of goldfish in the house superstition so at least you’ll be aware of any dire consequences that could occur.
Should you have any concerns about live goldfish in the house you can always opt for a goldfish charm such as the one pictured here.
However if you believe in lucky fish charms then any fish charm should serve you nicely.
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