Good Luck Stories – Submit Yours
To: Anyone who wants to share their good luck story with the world
From: Admin: Charles Harmon
Date: 13-June-2016
Re: Your story published here on
Result: You will be a published author, if not already one
I need your Good Luck Story
I am looking for good luck stories to add to this website. If you have had any good luck happen to you in the past or currently that you would like to share with the world, consider submitting it to my site.
What I need is an account of your good luck incident written in 500+ words. I will correct any grammatical errors, if necessary, and will add an image if appropriate. I’ll add your story to this site. Here’s an example story of my good luck.

Submit your good luck story. It can be about almost anything you felt was good luck for you. We reserve the right to disapprove your story if it is not appropriate for this site, has profanity, or is in bad taste.
You will not be paid money for your story, but who knows, it could potentially bring you more luck. If you have a website, Facebook page, etc. I’ll add a link to it.
Because your story is personal, you can use your nickname or make up a name(s) in your article.
However, your good luck story must be a real incident, situation, etc., that actually happened to you. It should be something most people would consider as good luck and not just any ordinary happening.
You can use the Contact form to submit your story.
Thanks for your help. I hope to publish your story and Bestow Good Luck to you.
Read some stories
I Bought My New Home having No Job! (admin’s story)
My First Programmer Analyst Job: Good Luck or What? (admin’s story)