Symbols Related to Luck – mostly Good Luck
Top 10 Symbols of Good Luck from Around the World
Published on Youtube on Dec 12, 2016
What’s your good luck charm? Whether it’s a horseshoe, rabbit’s foot, dreamcatcher, four-lead clover or even an elephant, there are several symbols of luck in different cultures. Sure, they may be urban legends, superstitions or old wives’ tales, but if these good luck symbols can bring you wealth, health and love, why not give it a try?
Lucky Symbols Around the World

Dreamcatcher - Lucky Symbols
Some of them are numbers, plants, and animal life. All of these things vary significantly in different cultures around the world.
The significance of each symbol is rooted in either folklore, mythology, esoterism, religion, tradition, necessity or a combination of these things.
Here are a Few International Symbols of Luck
Horse shoes are considered lucky in many countries. Acorns, rainbows, tortoises, Saint Christopher, Dream catchers.

More lucky symbols are wishing wells, wishbones, a stray eyelash, spotting a shooting star as well.
All of these in one form or another are common representatives of good luck or can bring good luck to the person with them.
10 Good Luck Charms From Around The World
by Mega News
Published on Youtube on Nov 6, 2017
10 Good Luck Charms From Around The World
Lucky Symbols for Certain Countries
The Germans consider the pig as well as the ladybug to be symbols representing luck. The spotting of a chimney sweep in traditional clothing is also regarded fortuitous.
The fish is considered to be a lucky symbol in Italy.
The maneki-neko (Japanese: meaning “beckoning cat”) is a common Japanese figurine. It is a lucky charm, a talisman. This figurine is believed to bring good luck to the owner.
Carrying a fish scale in ones’ purse or wallet is considered ‘lucky’.
“You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.”
~ Cormac McCarthy, No Country for Old Men
Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.
~ Dalai Lama XIV
“Risk means ‘shit happens’ or ‘good luck”
~ Toba Beta, Betelgeuse Incident: Insiden Bait Al-Jauza
“People always call it luck when you’ve acted more sensibly than they have.”
~ Anne Tyler
Some Unusual Ladybug Gifts
United States
- A Barnstar is a symbol of luck, like hanging a Horseshoe over a door.
- Numbers are often considered lucky and the number 7 is often called the lucky number 7.
- Dice and playing cards were considered as lucky Nose art on American military aircraft
- The lucky rabbit’s foot is a widely accepted lucky symbol.
A Few Unusual Gifts
The number 8 is considered lucky, because its pronunciation is similar to the pronunciation of the character meaning prosperity or wealth.
Jade is also considered particularly lucky.
Buddha figurines are considered fortuitous. Dragonflys, crickets, red bats, tigers, red chinese lanterns, pigs, bamboo as well.
Representations of Leprechauns are believed to be lucky.
Trolls are considered lucky.
Garden dwarfs are believed to be lucky although this symbol has wider appeal.
The Egyptians consider Scarabs to be good luck beetles.
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Maneki-neko – A Japanese “beckoning cat” Lucky Cat Figurine